You Are Ready

I thought I'd give you a look at four components to consider when you're thinking about your Design Your Life on Purpose Quest.

The first component (and this one happens quite a bit) is when people ask me “If I’m ready?” and I have two answers around that.  

  1. Sometimes massive life events happen, which means you literally need to put one foot in front of the other just make your way through it before you're kind of ready. However, for the people that aren't going through those sorts of things I say you need to do it just before you're ready. When you're ready you want to be able to action straight away. You want to be able to make movement, you want to be able to take action to seize opportunities.

  2. You're never actually really ready. It's one of those things that you need to just lean in a little bit to get all the stuff done and feel that little bit of uncomfortable-ness. Regardless of what you come up with in your Strategic Life Plan there will be things you can move. There'll be things that you can action and there'll be others that you might need to do some exploration around. So kind of ready = you're ready now.  

The second component I always think is interesting is luck.

You might have looked on social media where all these people are doing amazingly really cool things. Obviously, yes, you are getting a sanitized view of what the world might really be like for that particular person - you know - good old social media lens across it. However, besides the problematic things with social media and truth there is something attractive there. 

Luck is really about preparedness meeting opportunity. So if you prepare yourself then you'll find the opportunities will come to you. It's like that situation where you've just bought a new car and then all of a sudden you tend to see people with that same car.  So if you see lots of that same car it's because your attention has been drawn to it. You're focusing in that particular direction. The same thing happens when you design your life, because you've intentionally focused on some things you want to change in your life, or adjust, or move towards. Whatever it might be. All of a sudden you find that there's these opportunities that seem to come that align to that. So it's really kind of a cool thing. So luck opportunity meeting preparedness.  

The third component you might be considering is “Is IRL or is Virtual right for me?”.

The best way to answer that would be IRL is about you. You go in, you focus for the entire day. It is about making sure that at the end of it you walk out with a Strategic Plan.

You might need to tweak it and do some other bits and pieces, but basically it's a fully focused,  just like you've got blinkers on. This is what I'm going to concentrate on, and it's a whole day just focused on you (which I think is a luxury these days).  

If you're more of a percolation type of person that wants to take away and think about it then the Virtual six week program is much more suited for you.  You can then work through a few different modules and potentially take actions between sessions.


The fourth and last component I wanted to just help you consider is about seizing the present.

There's that saying that says ‘There's never been a better time’ and I know lots of you know companies use that as kind of like a catchphrase. It's a bit naf to be fair, but I want you to think about it this way.

Life isn't going to get less busy, there's not going to be less things you have to focus on. They’ll always be there . So you need to realize in a way that there really is never a better time. Because if you start now you'll look back in the future and you'll be like “Wow, look at all of the things that I've done!”.

I have a 3 month check-in as part of the program and I find that everyone is initially like “Oh, I've got nothing to say”. Then they talk about all the successes and all the changes that they've made and surprised at all the things they achieved.

So there's never a better time than right now.


You're ready now even if you don't think you are. If you’ve got a life changing event, having a massive thing, then deal with that. But you are ready now or you're almost ready.  

Luck is preparedness meeting opportunity. To make the most of future opportunities you need to prepare now to be ready for them.

If you want to focus on yourself for an entire day then that is IRL. If you want to have a little bit more time for percolation then that is Virtual.

There's never been a better time than now. It's never been a better time for you to decide what you want to do with your unique skills, talents and capabilities to design that life that's going to be a great life for you.

I hope to see you soon!

 DYLOP - IRL (In Real Life)

Saturday, 16th of March (full day)

The 1 day workshop covers all the 4 modules in the methodology, REFLECTION REVOLUTION, DREAM QUEST, DIRECTIONAL DESIGN, ANCHOR to get you well underway with your Strategic Life Map, including support mechanisms to use after. All tools and templates are provided for you as reference.

The venue has been chosen to be inspirational and relaxing. Throughout the day nourishing and comforting food will sustain you.

People choose this format because….

They can focus on the outcome of a Strategic Life Map in the day. The one day is all about them and what they want.

The DYLOP in real life (IRL) Quest Workshop runs with numbers between 4-12 to create a intimate and safe space.

DYLOP Virtual Workshop

11th of April to the 16th May, 6 week online program

The online version of DYLOP is delivered over 4 live coaching sessions, over 4 weeks. The first 3 sessions are 1.5 hours long and the last session 2 hours long. It covers all 4 modules, in the methodology, REFLECTION REVOLUTION, DREAM QUEST, DIRECTIONAL DESIGN, ANCHOR to get you well underway with your Strategic Life Map, including support mechanisms to use after. All tools and templates are provided for you as reference.

People choose this format because…

They like time to process information and percolate between sessions. The time also allows for actions to be taken between the sessions.

The DYLOP Virtual (online) Quest runs with numbers from 4-20 is a good size to create a intimate and safe space.



  • Reflection Revolution Preparation - Preparation before we start, reflecting on the last 12 months will prime you for change. Templates from the Reflection Revolution part of the Methodology will be shared prior to commencing.

  • 3 Month ‘Group’ Coaching - you will be surprised how much you and the group have achieved in 3 months, inspiration assured.

  • 3 Month ‘On on One’ Coaching - All about you! Focusing on you and what you need to progress your dreams

  • Invitation to attend DYLOP Coterie - Now you have graduated from DYLOP, you will be invited to the Alumni membership, where you will plan the next year, and progress your dream

one-on-one Coaching session

Customized for you and your pace - exactly what you need it to be.

Yours collaboratively, 


Christina MM