
Upcoming Events 2023


Unearth Possibilities

Unearth Possibilities is about giving you time to really consider where you want to take your life from now.

Designed for people who have “no idea” what they want their life to be and need a little inspiration to reawaken that spark!

Conducted over 3 weeks online, with 2 live sessions.

Next intakes

  • TBC (working through a new format)


Design your Life on Purpose Quest (DYLOP)

DYLOP Quest is designed to guide professionals from directionless to purposeful - unearth possibilities and design a strategic life map answering the question - now what? 

The program covers 4 adventures, REFLECTION REVOLUTION, DREAM QUEST, DIRECTIONAL DESIGN, ANCHORING to get you a Strategic Life Map for the next 12 months and beyond.

In Real Life (IRL) Workshop

16 Mar (SAT Full day)

2 Nov (SAT all Full day)

6 Week Virtual Workshop

11 Apr to 16 may

13 Jun to 17 Jul