Spark 2024

I do not have a word for the year, I have a Contextual Beacon (Puffs out chest, puts hands on hips and looks wistfully up to the left, while inspirational and uplifting music begins) 

Ok, technically I do have a single word that guides my intentions and actions for 2024, calling it a contextual beacon* gives it the gravitas it deserves. 

It is not so simple to just pick a word, serious thought and consideration needs to go into it to get the real value associated with it. 

*I first heard about when reading Dr Jason Fox’s fine books, read them all they will make you think. I was so inspired that I have been crafting one since 2016, that is how impactful it has been. 

 Contextual Beacon Process

The full process is here, which combines Jason’s wisdom and a few quirks from me. To summarise, it involves the following steps: 

  1. Reflection – reflect on the year that has been and what you want to be difference about the next year 

  2. Dream – determine what direction you are heading in the next year. This could be a combination of dreams that are massive or little dreams and even some maintenance activities like looking after your health and relationships 

  3. Get a shortlist - Now that you have a picture of what you are focusing on and what you want different to last year, brainstorm some ideas of what word captures the intent of the year ahead – hints are in the page link above 

  4. Review it – make sure the word has meaning, but not super obscure – like a character in your favourite novel, you want it to be easy to understand for you and others.   

    • Needs to feel right – you will get a sense that it is the right word, like a clunk – like something slipping exactly into place 

    • Embraces focus and opportunity grabbing 

    • What you want, not what you do not want, eg Boundaries is a negative focus, what is it you want instead – is it instead focusing on the things that light you up or self-care or choosing who or what gets to experience your energy – it should create a toward focus not an away focus 

  5. Make it visual

    • Choose a picture that helps encapsulate the meaning 

    • Put it in a place you see every day – pin board, desk, as wallpaper on phone, as crayons, as a necklace (let me know if you want this and I will share my person’s details) 

  6. Share it with trusted peeps – It is super powerful to get people who know you super well and have your back to give them the word and ask their help to keep you on track 

So, what is my contextual beacon for 2024.  The intent I have for 2024, is to create ripples of goodness in others and in myself, which means my word for 2024 is SPARK! 


You can access the free download here


If you attend the Design your life on Purpose quest – either in IRL or Virtual – this is one of the tokens, you leave the quest having achieved. It is so powerful; it is one of the 3 things that I think are critical to create a strategic life map. 

So, remember, it is not just one word for the year, but a guide and contextual beacon – give it the gravitas it deserves. 

DYLOP - IRL (In Real Life)

Saturday, 16th of March (full day)

The 1 day workshop covers all the 4 modules in the methodology, REFLECTION REVOLUTION, DREAM QUEST, DIRECTIONAL DESIGN, ANCHOR to get you well underway with your Strategic Life Map, including support mechanisms to use after. All tools and templates are provided for you as reference.

The venue has been chosen to be inspirational and relaxing. Throughout the day nourishing and comforting food will sustain you.

People choose this format because….

They can focus on the outcome of a Strategic Life Map in the day. The one day is all about them and what they want.

The DYLOP in real life (IRL) Quest Workshop runs with numbers between 4-12 to create a intimate and safe space.

DYLOP Virtual Workshop

11th of April to the 16th May, 6 week online program

The online version of DYLOP is delivered over 4 live coaching sessions, over 4 weeks. The first 3 sessions are 1.5 hours long and the last session 2 hours long. It covers all 4 modules, in the methodology, REFLECTION REVOLUTION, DREAM QUEST, DIRECTIONAL DESIGN, ANCHOR to get you well underway with your Strategic Life Map, including support mechanisms to use after. All tools and templates are provided for you as reference.

People choose this format because…

They like time to process information and percolate between sessions. The time also allows for actions to be taken between the sessions.

The DYLOP Virtual (online) Quest runs with numbers from 4-20 is a good size to create a intimate and safe space.


  • Reflection Revolution Preparation - Preparation before we start, reflecting on the last 12 months will prime you for change. Templates from the Reflection Revolution part of the Methodology will be shared prior to commencing.

  • 3 Month ‘Group’ Coaching - you will be surprised how much you and the group have achieved in 3 months, inspiration assured.

  • 3 Month ‘On on One’ Coaching - All about you! Focusing on you and what you need to progress your dreams

  • Invitation to attend DYLOP Coterie - Now you have graduated from DYLOP, you will be invited to the Alumni membership, where you will plan the next year, and progress your dream

one-on-one Coaching session

Customized for you and your pace - exactly what you need it to be.

Early Bird Special!

If you sign up before the 16th of February with the code ‘EBDYLOP’ you’ll also receive a special discount for the program.

Want to know more?

Click on this link to go to the DYLOP page to read more about it

Click on the link to a free 30 mins Unearth Possibilities

Yours Collaboratively,
